
The Texas Carnival Glass Club holds its annual four-day convention in March. Events include educational seminars and banquet program featuring internationally known speakers, carnival glass displays, silent auction, dealers and club members selling carnival glass, and a public auction of Carnival Glass.






Washington County Expo Event Center, 1305 East Blue Bell Road, Brenham, Texas

Note: All convention activities will take place in the Event Center

March 12-15, 2025


Convention Hotel: Hampton Inn and Suites, 2605 Shulte Boulevard, Brenham, Texas 77833. Tel: 979-337-9898.

DEADLINE TO RESERVE A ROOM IS FEBRUARY 24, 2025 – MAKE YOUR RESERVATION EARLY – Spring Antique Week in Round Top begins shortly after our convention.

Please Note: To ensure that you are part of our room block please book your room directly with the hotel (see instructions below):

Room Rates: 
Single or Double - $119 (plus tax) - for Tuesday, March 11 through Saturday, March 15. If you need to extend your stay please check with the hotel. The hotel will honor the room rate if rooms are available.

Breakfast is included in the price of the room. Each room is equipped with a microwave and a mini fridge, King Suite rooms include a sleeper sofa. 

Pet Policy: This is pet friendly hotel. There is a $75.00 Non-refundable Fee for 1-4 nights. $125 Non-refundable fee for 5+ nights. 2 pets maximum. ADA service animals are welcome.

Reserve your Room: Call the Hampton Inn and Suites at 979-337-9898 and tell them you are with the Texas Carnival Glass Club room block.     

Hotel Deadline: Monday, February 24th. Cancellations will be accepted at least 24 hours before the day of arrival (please verify on your individual reservation).

Click here to download a convention registration/membership form. Print the form, fill it in, and mail it with your check to the address on the form. 
download adobe reader

Note: All convention activities will take place in the Event Center. Casual Dress encouraged.




Although it may be a cliché, it feels like an appropriate way to start this column with a, “you had to be there” statement. If you were fortunate enough to fit us into your schedule in 2024 we want to thank you for helping us make it one of the most memorable conventions of our club. We celebrated our 45th anniversary this year and packed the three days full with presentations, glass sales, and food along with plenty of time to reconnect with friends and fellow collectors. We gave a rousing send off to Emmett Morgan as he transitioned out of the President’s role, and again had expert presentations with exceptional glass on display. Several individuals set up tables with 4 sale glass with others bringing displays showcasing some of their collections. 

As usual the Convention culminated with an amazing Auction on Saturday morning. If you were ever in the market for vases this auction was tailored to your collecting habits. Close to half (~190) of the Auction pieces were vases across the full colored glass spectrum: poppy show, tornado (both whimsey, traditional & European), funeral, midsize, miniature, mosaic, rare Millersburg, custard, stretch, milk glass, moonstone, vaseline, lead luster, contemporary, and more. Add that to the fact that every attendee walked away with a TCGC 474 Souvenir vase in Bermuda Blue to commemorate our 45th and it’s safe to say everyone walked away with at least one vase from this convention. 

Fred & Elaine Blair received the Whitley Award this year and were honored for their continued dedication to supporting Carnival Glass and the Texas Club. Brian Foster and Galen & Kathi Johnson playfully put together a short video montage (through the creative use of Photoshop) of the Blair’s in their youth – it was hilarious and likely resulted in Fred & Elaine looking for opportunities to get even later in the year. Bernice & Randy Thach received our “All Star” award recognizing their contributions to our hobby and the Texas club.  And, of course, as we’ve come to expect, there were some great presentations with amazing glass along with new friends to make, friendships to rekindle, and enough glass to be had to keep even the most Carnival starved collector happy for a few weeks. 

Conventions like these don’t just happen without the efforts and shared values of its members.  So, it goes without saying thanks to all attendees, auctioneers, worker bees, new attendees, club members, returning friends, and weary travelers, that help our club continue to thrive in a very tough collecting environment. Look forward to our 46th Convention in the spring of 2025 and happy hunting. 

For photos of all the activities at our convention please visit the May issue of the Carnival Glass Action on our newsletter archives page here:


Click on (or hover your mouse over) the images below to see some of the highest prices realized at our March 9th Convention auction. 



Please enjoy the photos of our 2024 Convention Show and Tell participants and their glass. Click on (or hover your mouse over) the photos for more information.










This year’s convention was our second year in the non-traditional venue of the Brenham Event Center. While we were somewhat forced into using their facilities due to Hotel and COVID issues we’ve come to like the flexibility and the family/chaotic/open aspects of this venue. We’ve settled into a good layout for the space and continue to see the advantage of having all events in a single location. While we all miss the opportunity to run away and grab some midday shuteye the continual opportunity to roam around the room while visiting with Carnival friends really works for our members.

The traditional events of our Convention continue to entertain and again this year no serious fights broke out at our White Elephant Exchange. Show & Tell was amazing with glass from across the globe, rare varieties across size and shape, recent finds, and some exceptional pieces we would never have seen unless they were brought to our Convention. I doubt we’ll soon forget Ried’s fantastic find of the “bottom less” pitcher, definitely one of a kind and finding tumblers to go with that may be a challenge.

Galen and Kathi Johnson were presented with the Whitley award this year, a couple that consistently exhibits a dedication to Carnival Glass and its community. They were our 15th recipient of this award. The Sage’s presentation of big & small plates was impressive enough in the beauty of the glass but in as much in the hunt to match Chop, Midsize, and Small plates. Bob Patterson’s display and associated stories of the wide variety of glass he brought from his collection was amazing. Bob showed us the depth of his collecting habits and kept us entertained with a running dialogue (however incredulous) as he talked through his display.

Again, as we’ve come to expect, there were some great “room” displays, plenty of glass for sale, endless pick food, two great banquets, reasonable libations, and a fantastic Auction. Thanks to all our club members for the lasting friendships that are generated and a memorable 44th Convention. 

For photos of all the activities at our convention please visit the May issue of the Carnival Glass Action on our newsletter archives page here:


Click on (or hover your mouse over) the images below to see a few of the prices realized at our March 11th Convention auction. 



Please enjoy the photos of our 2023 Convention Show and Tell participants and their glass. Click on (or hover your mouse over) the photos for more information.



The Convention that nearly wasn't . . . the TCGC 2022 Carnival Glass Convention

As you know the emergence of Covid-19 pretty well put an end to social activities, carnival glass conventions were no exception.  The Texas club was scheduled to be in Dallas for its annual convention mid-March 2020.  At the last minute the convention was cancelled due to Covid restrictions.  Then March 2021 rolled around and it became clear no normal convention could be scheduled so the board members put together a plan for a one day event in Brenham, Texas.  We had good attendance, the Seeck’s brought the auction glass, and attendees had a good time.

After the 2021 one-day-special we began planning the 2022 convention back in Dallas at the normal hotel.  Registrations were good, speakers lined up, spirits high.  And then a show-stopper situation occurred.  One of our members learned the hotel was closing just prior to our convention and hadn't bothered to notify us.  Their plans were to reposition us to a different facility in the Dallas area, a facility about which we knew nothing.  We were a month from the convention and clearly needed a new venue.  Again the board members jumped into action.  Arrangements were quickly made to use a building at the Washington County fairgrounds in Brenham. With enthusiasm and cooperation from one and all the 2022 Texas convention came together in a single room at the fairgrounds in Brenham.  The room was essentially divided into quarters.  One quarter set up for the auction glass, one quarter set up for seminars, one quarter set up for glass displays and sales, and one quarter set up for food, socializing and simply taking a break.  Of course the motels for overnight staying were a short distance away and not available to run to for a quick rest.  But attendees did not find that to be a problem.  Instead they were in a room in the middle of the action and could see and spend time with other attendees all day long.  So how did it go?

Our first seminar "I've got the Northwood Blues ... and Greens" was presented by Gary Sullivan and Steve Lindquist, of course they traveled all the way from Connecticut with a car load of beautiful glass.  It was very nice having them in attendance and the crowd enjoyed the glass and presentation immensely. Thursday evening we enjoyed the Whitley Award dinner.  A little less formal in this new environment, but enjoyed by one and all.  Of course the highlight was the surprise announcement by Tommy Whitley that the 2022 award winners were Bob and Sandy Sage.  A well-received recognition of the energy and enthusiasm they have consistently shared with those in or interested in the carnival collecting hobby. On Friday we had the traditional Texas 'Show-n-Tell' session, a business meeting, closure of our Silent Auction, preview of the auction glass and our annual banquet.  And yes, the banquet was held right in our big room. Wonderfully catered by a small Texas company from a nearby community. Awards for convention displays were presented followed by the banquet presentation "Our Favorite Vases."  Tony and Mary Jo DeMichael did not have to travel all the way from Illinois as they now reside in Aledo, TX.

Saturday morning was the Seeck auction of the glass collection of Philip and the late Marion Ross.  Some beautiful and interesting glass.  The highlight of the auction might be the price brought by a Millersburg tri-corner marigold Zig Zag bowl on which the bidding finally stopped at $14,500.

So how did the attendees feel about having a three day convention in a building on the Washington County Fairgrounds in Brenham, Texas?  100% in favor of going back to this venue for the 2023 convention!

For photos of all the activities at our convention please visit the May issue of the Carnival Glass Action on our newsletter archives page here:




Click on (or hover your mouse over) the images below to see a few of the prices realized at our March 12th Convention auction. 


Although we were not able to have a traditional convention this year, we did hold a great in-person mini convention and auction in Brenham, Texas, March 19-20.  A preview was held on Friday afternoon of the 350 piece auction brought by Jim and Jan Seeck. That evening Emmett and Dorothy Morgan hosted dinner at their home with at least 24 attending. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed both the meal and catching up with friends.

The auction on Saturday morning was well attended with 30 people in the auction room. We all thoroughly enjoyed the mooing of the cows during the auction at our Sales Facility. A FABULOUS pastel marigold Embroidered Mums bowl went for $1700 and many people in the auction room were asking who won it. It was won by Tommy and Jeannie Whitley who were not present for the bidding as they were scheduled for their second Covid shot on the day of the auction.  

Following the auction we were able to show off our latest finds at a traditional Show and Tell. Everyone was invited back to the Morgan's home on Saturday evening for another dinner, libations and fellowship. Many thanks to Dorothy and Shirley Patterson for preparing and serving the dinners, to Jim and Jan Seeck for bringing a great auction, and to all who attended. 

For photos of all the activities at our convention please visit the May issue of the Carnival Glass Action on our newsletter archives page here:


Please enjoy the photos of our 2021 Convention Show and Tell participants and their glass. Click on (or hover your mouse over) the photos for more information.


Click on (or hover your mouse over) the images below to see a few of the prices realized at our March 29th Convention auction. 


Just before we made the decision to pull the plug on our 2020 Convention we were contacted by TCGC member Brian Foster. Brian proposed that we leverage his expertise and technology to have the convention go virtual. This included having our annual Show & Tell event, a taped banquet presentation, a taped educational seminar, and a live conversation concurrent with Jim and Jan Seeck during our TCGC convention online auction. We think it was a huge success and the results are in the videos below. A big thanks to Brian & James Foster, Kathi & Galen Johnson, and Mary Jo & Tony DeMichael for taking this on and turning what was a monumental disappointment (due to Covid-19)  into a new adventure with plenty of upside for all of us going forward.


What follows are videos of the live and taped events that were posted on our Texas Carnival Glass Club Group Facebook page.

"Show and Tell - A Texas Tradition"
Click Here

Educational Demonstration, "Christmas Compote Mould," by Brian Foster of Arlington, Texas
Click Here

TCGC Banquet Luncheon Presentation, "Carnival Family Trees, " by Tony and Mary Jo DeMichael of Taylorvile, Illinois
Click Here

March 20th Convention - Seeck Online Only Auction Results
Click Here

© 2024 Texas Carnival Glass Club
Price sold $7750
Price sold $4750
Price sold $4500
Price Sold $4000
Price sold $3250
Price sold $3250
Price sold $2600
Price sold $2300
Price sold $2300
Price sold $2300
Price sold $2200
Price sold $1900
Walt Robinson
Rita Ellwein
Steve Ellwein
Tony and Mary Jo DeMichael
Mary Jo DeMichael
Bob Patterson
Bob Sage
Sandy Sage
Brian Foster
Darlene Grogan
Corky Cotten
David Kastor
Donna Nestra
Don Mathews
Dorothy Morgan
Emmett Morgan
Elaine Blair
Galen Johnson
Kathi Johnson
Gary Lickver
Kathy Turner
Reid Norris
Kathy Wick
Randy Thach
Bernice Thach
Diann Walleck
Price sold $2,700
Price sold $2,800
Price sold $6,000
Price sold $3,250
Price sold $6,750
Price sold $9,250
Price sold $5,250
Price sold $4,500
Price sold $3,250
Price sold $5,250
Price sold $8,750
Price sold $13,000
Price sold $9,500
Bob Patterson
David Kastor
Elaine Blair
Brian Foster
Bob Sage
Cale Wilcox
Diann Walleck
Dorothy Morgan
Emmett Morgan
Galen Johnson
Gary Lickver
Jim Kimbro
Kenda Jeske
Mary Jo DeMichael
Pat Halliburton
Randy Thach
Reid Norris
Steve Ellwein
Sylvester Walleck
Tony DeMichael
Walt Robinson
Rita Ellwein
Kathi Johnson
Sandy Sage
Price sold $6,500
Price sold $1,700
Price sold $2,400
Price sold $1,000
Price sold $1,250
Price sold $2,300
Price sold $350
Price sold $675
Price sold $14,500
Prices sold L to R: $190, $180, $200
Elaine Blair
Marigold on Moonstone Palm Beach amphora vase
Bob Patterson
Green Zellique Fish Head vase
Corky Cotten
Marigold Crown Crystal Kookaburra sauce
Emmett Morgan
Marigold Fenton Star Flower pitcher
Dorothy Morgan
Amethyst Millersburg Hanging Cherries pitcher
Cale Wilcox
Blue Northwood Peacock and Urn plate
David Kastor
Blue Millersburg Rosalind sauce
Vernette Shaffer
Marigold Diamond Head Beverages advertising tumbler
Gary Lickver
Emerald green Millersburg Strawberry Wreath bowl
Randy Thach
Marigold Schenley Distillers ashtray and matchbook
Tony and Mary Jo DeMichael
Lavender Northwood Grape and Cable pitcher
Brian Foster
Amethyst Fenton Concord plate
Pat Haliburton
Marigold Millersburg Seaweed sauce
Steve Ellwein
Fenton Blueberry pitcher
Bob Sage
Aqua Fenton Panther sauce
Sandy Sage
Amethyst Dugan Cherries crimped edge plate
Bernice Thach
Aurora Pearls Brides Basket
Walt Robinson
Marigold Northwood Peacocks PCE stippled bowl
Sylvester Walleck
Purple Northwood Grape and Cable Variant bowl
Diann Walleck
Lime Green Northwood Hearts and Flowers plate
Sold for $1800
Sold for $2400
Sold for $6000
Sold for $1200
Sold for $1500
Sold for $1500
Sold for $1300
Sold for $4000
Sold for $1800
Sold for $750
Sold for $2700
Sold for $675
Sold for $550
Sold for $600
Sold for $1150
Sold for $1600